hobie surf shop

Hobie Surf Shops

When Hobie Alter opened Southern California’s first surf shop in 1954, he had an unparalleled reputation for quality and innovation. Today, Hobie Surf Shops continue to carry on that legacy of Hobie’s commitment to innovation, follow-through, and inspired performance. Your experience is our priority. Sustainability is our Plan.

Back in 2015 our Laguna Beach store was certified as a Green Business by The California Green Business Program. To receive this certification you must demonstrate that you take action to conserve resources and prevent pollution in both your facility and your operations. Since 2015, all of our store locations (San Clemente, Dana Point, and Corona Del Mar) have followed in Laguna’s footsteps. We have fully altered our lighting to 100% LED, transitioned towards greener paper and cleaning products, planted drought resistant native landscaping, cut water usage with the assistance of the Ecology Center, and banned single use plastic drinking cups. Hobie employees are also encouraged to take their 3 full paid days off volunteering on any local environmental cause. We are honored to be listed among the 3,676 other business going above and beyond for the Earth.

The California Green Business Program leads the state and nation in working with small to medium businesses to grow a vibrant and healthy green economy. Led by a coalition of cities and counties, they contribute to more livable communities with healthier environments, while also conserving resources and saving money. We are honored to be listed among the 3,676 other businesses going above and beyond for the Earth.

This year, the California Green Business Program has saved 835,334 metric tons of CO2 with total saving of $3,083,277. That’s equivalent of planting 44,161 acres of urban trees a year for ten years. We are exceedingly excited to further implementing eco-friendly changes in all of our coastal locations. Hobie Surf Shop owners, Mark Christy and Jake Schwaner, are actively committed to the process and happily leading the charge for shop wide changes. Our goal is for our stores to reduce their carbon footprint and to be a resource for other small businesses. We hope to be a model on how to thrive while being environmentally conscious and really just doing the right thing!

So, whether you come to our stores to check out the new apparel, to see the beautifully crafted surfboards, or for a comfortable place for you to meet and talk shop, we hope you leave feeling energized, a bit more knowledgeable, and ready to lead your own sustainable lifestyle.

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